Thursday, 2 October 2008

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition 2008

Hey guys and gals, the MIFC is a real must-go event. This will normally take place in August, before Merdeka (at least that when it took place for the past two years - 2007,2008). The best seats in the house would definitely be the VVIP seats. Well, this was this year August. Sorry for the late post. Now, let the pics do the talking~~~ =)

- Putrajaya International Convention Centre (Level 1-VVIP Seating Area)
- Putrajaya International Convention Centre (Level 1-VVIP Seating Area)
- Performance by Canada
- Performance by Canada
-Performance by Canada

And here comes the videos. The performance was actually based on famous songs. So, turn ur speakers on!! =) Much apologies if the videos are rather blur ya. Cos I didn't had the luxury of a video cam with me at that time. I promise that next year, it would be from a video cam. =) There are actually more pics, but yeah, I'm rather lazy. Waiting for the videos to be uploaded is long enough... Hahaha... =)

- "Eye of The Tiger"

- "My Heart Will Go On, Dancing Queen"

- "We Will Rock You, Everything I Do (I Do It For You) -
the first song if I'm not mistaken is actually a theme from a movie.

- "Can Can - A Famous Canadian Song, Listen, I'm sure U know this song"

Hope u guys enjoyed... More to come in a bit.. Stay tuned.. =)



Monday, 29 September 2008

Wanted vs. Unwanted

Well, it's been awhile since I last had anything to say here in my blog or rather my second 'home'. I've been busy with studies, club and also certain personal issues that arise recently. Anyway, this time around, something very interesting popped out in my mind. Can we actually draw a difference and/or set a mark on what we want and what we don't want? What I actually mean from this is, we may want a lot of things, but have we ever considered the outcome and consequences from what we want? Have we ever weighed in and wondered if those unwanted issues, if any, ever arises, would we be happy and would we be able to deal with it?

1. We want a car so badly, we go and get a loan. Loan is payable say in 5 years time. We enjoy using the car, because it's convenient, saves time and also a little because we can actually have a rather higher 'status' in society. What we don't want is that we have to make payments every month, from the salary we get. Let's face it, if we had the money to get a car, do we need loans? Maybe we do, and that wouldn't be the problem but there's always two sides to look at right? I'm looking at a more realistic and practical point of view. Of course with no interest charged from the banks, we would opt for loans but then again, there are always two sides to look at right? One being able to afford and one maybe not so lucky. So, wanted = car, unwanted = extra burden every month.

2. Credit card. A very useful item that we can use without fear because we just need to swipe it and put our 'John Hancock' and we are virtually rich beyond our own imaginations. Of course again, there are people who know their limits and use it sparingly and there are also a whole bunch of people whom just can't control and will use it as an unlimited supply of cash. Well, before these people know it, they will only end up being able to pay the minimum and sooner than later, a letter of demand from the law firm will be sent to their humble adobes and that's when trouble starts. So, wanted = convenience of use of unlimited cash flow, unwanted = having to realise that by the end of the day, what is credited has to be paid and not being to able to pay will result in terrible circumstances.

3. Let's get to something more interesting. Say, change of a government (no particular country in question, just a general discussion). Changes are needed and changes will happen. The only problem here or rather the point of contention would be again what is wanted and what is unwanted. In certain countries, it is reasonable to say that a change is unavoidable and it's good as it brings in different ideas and methods of ruling. It also enhances the idea of democracy and a fair policy of administration. However, when we think deeper, doesn't the above seem very theoretical and we are missing out on the grey areas.

Changes are needed, definitely, but at what expense and cost? Say an organisation and/or government has been there for a number of years and it has been carrying out it's duties in a manner that is not agreeable by the minority and it has come to a time where the people are beginning to feel uncomfortable, leading an effort to change these administrators. One fact that we can't deny is that policies has been there for a long time and for a new group of people to take over the administration role would mean a drastic change. Now, these drastic changes promised and/or manifested would definitely seem to be the best of it's kind and is to suit the entire nation or country. It would seem that finally someone can give us what we want and what we have been fighting for all these while, maybe say fairness and equality.

Perfect ending to a perfect start? Hmm... Well, let's take things further. In life and in everything we do, is there really a thing called fairness and equality?? It's a known and accepted fact that when one wins, another loses. If we are to fight for equality and fairness, it would basically mean that in the past, we ain't getting them right? So, when we really do get these fair and equal rights and stuffs, wouldn't that mean that someone who has been taking advantage all these while has just lost something?? We are saying that we want equality and fairness, but how could it be fair if someone has just lost something when we won? Is that fair??

Don't get me wrong, I am not taking sides. What I'm trying to do now is to induce a discussion based on logic and common sense. Ok, back to previous discussion. Say we got that equality and fairness that we fought for in the first place, do you think it will end there and then? Someone has just lost something, like we lost it before, that's why we are fighting for it now. So, wouldn't common sense tell u that those who have lost it would end up fighting for what they think belongs to them, which have now been taken away? I am not saying that equality and fairness ain't right, I am just saying that don't you think that the fight will never end?? It's mainly because now we are at the losing end, and we want to win, which means that the other party who is winning now, will lose. Can't it come to a situation where it will be a draw? The equality that we seek in the first place is only on name equal but based on what I have just said, it's actually a win-lose situation.

For equality to strike, there are mainly two ways:
a) Everyone gets something;
b) Everyone gets nothing.
My opinion on this would be for everybody involved to get nothing and start afresh from the beginning. Yes, it is definitely argued and accepted that by doing this, those that have benefited all these while are losing something as well but by losing this, it would bring equality to live because now everyone has nothing to fight for and everyone is to start from the beginning and 'may the best person win'. If we are to allow those that have nothing in the past to get something now, it would mean that equality is only a mere fiction because now everyone has got something to fight for and as we all know for a fact, one is never enough. It would then turn out to be a fight for who gets the biggest share for giving and/or performing the biggest effort and sacrifice, which can hardly be judged or justified. Therefore, starting from fresh, where everyone gets nothing would see the best option.

Next, what matters to me may not matter to you and what is right for me may not be right for you. This is very true when it comes to discussing about issues on changes, because what is happening now may suit me and if it changes, it might end up suiting you and not me. So, how can we say that we can achieve fairness here? Fairness and equality happens when everyone and anyone gets treated the same and no matter what happens suits everyone. I may agree with the way things are carried out now but may not if a change is to come. Sometimes, promises can be made and it does seem very convincing but then again, when we really think about it, can these promises really be materialised?And, looking at the bigger picture, now that we already have so many disagreements that leads to uproars and discomfort, imagine if a drastic change is to really materialised? Wouldn't the uproars and discomfort be more severe than before? Are we ready to face it and can we stand up for the better once those discomforts are over? So, wanted = change of government/administration, unwanted = unnecessary uproars and/or unachievable fairness/equality.

From what I have mentioned above, I can sense it now that not many or maybe not even a single person out there would agree with me but let's be objective and think bout it properly. I am not saying that a change is not good, but wouldn't a change from within be more appropriate? Are we saying that just because we are not satisfied with the way things are now, we are getting another party and/or individual to come in with the hope of changing things? No matter what we say or do, it will all remain a hope. Yes, arguable, there's at least a hope, but a baseless one will get us nowhere. Hope based on words uttered are not hope per se.

The other thing to be remembered is that, 'An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind'. I ain't saying that fighting for what is right is not a good thing to do. It is good only if we weight the cost and its expense and work towards it in a controlled manner. If even before a change may come, so many discomfort is already happening, picture a time when the change really happens. A change can come but it has to be by someone and not anyone. We are not desperate. Since we really want a change for the better, let's make sure it's for the better and not just simply do it cos we WANT to do it and forget bout all the UN-WANTS. The possibility of risking something for what we think is right, does not blend well with our dreams and hopes in the first place, which is to create and enhance fairness and equality. If we really WANT to achieve that, we have to make sure that nothing is at risk and nothing and no one shall be sacrificed in the path of glory. Glory is only when we can achieve it without having to lose not only a single battle but also not a single body. That is the ultimate glory. If we are to lose, risk and sacrifice something or somebody along the way, I shall say by the end of the day, even if we win, it shall be no win to shout about.

Question to ponder, "If there were 100 people, and one of them carries a deadly disease, which can spread, resulting in the death of the other 100 people, you at the mercy of killing this one person, would you do so?"

I shall reveal my answer in my next post. In the meantime, if anyone has any comments, feel free to leave them yeah. =)

Sometimes, we may only focus at getting what we want because we feel it's right and let me tell you, I do agree it's right but only to a certain extent. We may and we shall fight for what is right, only and only if we weigh the consequences properly and say to ourselves, 'Look, they ain't much that we can't handle nor can't tackle. No matter what happens, we are ready for it and we can take it up'. If so that is the case, then so be it, we shall fight for what we WANT. Let's not forget then, whenever there is something or someone which we WANT, there is always something or someone that we UN-WANT or rather DO NOT WANT.



Tuesday, 19 August 2008

A Big Thank You!!

Harlow everyone~~ I know, I know, this blog has been very dead w/out much updates, but rest assured, it will be back in service in these coming few weeks, with brand new and more interesting posts. Do come and check it out yea?? =)

Here, I would like to extend my warmest and deepest gratitude and appreciation to all my friends, namely James, Sanjeev, Ee Fei, Jac, Jamie, Ying, Richie, Way Wen, President Peter (from The Firm, check it out on NTV 7), Kristine, Joanne(s), Sharon and all my friends whose name I might have missed out here for taking time to celebrate my 20th Birthday. Thank you thank you and THANK YOU!! Albeit my disappointing attempt at "Making Dreams Real" by trying to finish the one tong of Iced Tea under 1 hour, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being there to celebrate my Bday with me. =D

Ok, more updates to come. Hang in there ya... =)



Thursday, 10 July 2008

It Got Me Wondering...

Can A Family Man With Salary RM3,000 Survive In Malaysia...!

Let's do some simple calculation here.

In Malaysia, the average family income isRM3,000 /month (where father works, mother doesn't).

I understand there are many families whose monthly income does not reach RM3,000, but, to make things simple, let's take RM3,000as the figure. Ok lah, right?

Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. Ngam-ngam ....

Calculation starts...

Electricity and water bill: RM100

(No air-con, No home theatre, No water heater ... ok?)

Phone bill ( Telekom): RM100

(Internet streamxy RM68 + land line RM25 = RM93, round-up to RM100 la)

Meals for a happy family: RM775

(3 meals on RM25/day 4 persons. Forget about makan in restaurant ya)

Papa makan / teh-tarik during working hrs: RM155

(RM5/day, RM5 ... can eat what?)

Car repayment: RM400

(A proton saga aeroback, 7 yrs repayment)

Petrol (living in city, traffic-jam) :RM300

(go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running. NO YET CONSIDER PETROL INCREASE 40.8%)

Insurance: RM650

(Kids, wife and self. Forget about insurance money to pay, lets drop it)

House repayment: RM750

(low cost housing repayment for 30 yrs, retired still have to work to pay!)

Tuition: RM80

(got that cheap meh? i don't think so)

Older children pocket money @ school: RM20

(RM1/day, eat bread?)

School fees: RM30

(enough ah?)

School books and etc: RM100

(always got extra to pay in school)

Younger children milk powder: RM50

(cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)

Miscellaneous: RM100

(shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper, saman, etc)

Oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so...
No Astro,
no movie @ cinema,
no DVD,
no CD,
no toys

no computer,
no KFC, no McDonald,
no insurance

no jalan-jalan makan angin (vacation)

no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...

nothing breaks down for repair

Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EH! Shit!RM2,960already...

EPF belum potong, income tax lagi........ oledi RM2,960 ....

How to survive lah tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian ???

Our Deputy Prime Minister asked us to change lifestyle?

How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study?
Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3,000/month! !!
What is this? Inilah Malaysia Boleh...Sorry... it should be Malaysians Boleh, because we're still alive and kicking!!

Our politicians must be mad!!!!

No wonder so many Ah Loong around lah....

Thanks to LH for this as well. Cheers mate... =)


Laughter the Best Medicine... Its Never too Much

An Israeli doctor says
'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of
one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.'

A German doctor says
'That is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in
another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.

A Russian doctor says
'In my country,
medicine is so far progressed that we can take half a heart out of one
person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two

The Malaysian doctor, not to be outdone, says 'You guys are way behind,
we recently took a man with no brains, out from Kepala Batas, Penang ,
put him in the Parliament for 5 years, and now half the country is
looking for work.'

PS. I got this from my good friend Leik Hong. Cheers mate.


Sunday, 6 July 2008

It's All Coming Back to Me Now

There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window

There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever

I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made

But when you touch me like this
And you hold me like that
I just have to admit
That it's all coming back to me
When I touch you like this
And I hold you like that
It's so hard to believe but
It's all coming back to me

There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws allow
Baby Baby

If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back

There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper

There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever

But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then

But if I touch you like this
And if you kiss me like that
It was so long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you touch me like this
And if I kiss you like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me

There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby

When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now

If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now


Thursday, 3 July 2008

And Another...

a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.

1. If someone says,"Is this okay?"
ZZ Top - Black Betty
-oh my... this post is gonna get very interesting-

2. How would you describe yourself?
Di Er Chi Fen Shou - Power Station
-i think it means the second time breaking up... well, i guess its trying to say that we get more mature as time goes by... learning day by day the ups and downs of life...-

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Oldies Varied Remix - Jive Bunny
-well, i guess it means that i would like someone retro, old-styled thinking?? OMG!! this is getting so crazy!!-

4. How do you feel today?
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town - Mariah Carey
-wow!! i guess the title says it all.. i am in a superb holiday mood!! =)-

5. What is your life's purpose?
Peng You - Emil Chau
-ok, this is turning into something freaky now.. this is kinda true.. one of my main purposes in life would be my friends-

6. What is your motto?
Zhu Guang Wan Can - Gary Cao Ge
-ok, i seriously have got no comments on this... sowee... =(-

7. What do your friends think of you?
Wait For You - Elliot Yamin
-err... my friends would wait for me whenever i am late?? hahaha.. or rather i am a person my friends would be willing to wait for and have close to them until the ends of time?? yikes...-

8. What do you think of your parents?
Pokemon Johto theme ???
-hahahahahaha!! well, i guess there are cute in a way, have their own personalities like everyone has and we have to respect them for who they are and accept them the way they are as well... =)-

9. What do you think about very often?
Stand By Me - U2 & Bruce Springsteen
-well, i am always afraid if i were to be alone. so, i guess most of the times i think about the people around and especially the ones i love... if i ever lose them, what would happen to me...-

10. What is 2+2?
Apo Nak Dikato - Blues Gang
-this definitely shows the variety of songs in my playlist. as it goes, APO NAK DIKATO? 2+2 is 4 la... duhh!!-

11. What do you think of your best friend?
Mou Lai - Ronald Cheng
-can i not have best friends anymore?? hahahaha... this has got nothing to do with irony. wat i am tryin to say is everyone has their own weaknesses and strength and what we are to do as friends is to treat everyone equally and accept them for who they are. this is wat friends are for... =)-

12. What do you think of the person you like?
I Can't Unlove You - Kenny Rogers
-as the title goes, its hard to unlove or rather unlike a person whom you really feel for-

13. What is your life?
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum - Middle of The Road
-i really have got no idea what this means... can someone help me???-

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me - Elton John
-i wanna be a successful lawyer and i guess thru the title it basically means that i will put in all the effort and dedication i have in me and lets hope for the best in life and may GOD bless my every move-

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Love Changes Everything - Sarah Brightman
-yuppy.. whenever i see the one i like, i feel like i am in heaven!!-

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Now and Forever - Richard Marx
-a weddings marks eternity of love between a couple. this song jus says it all-

17. What will they play at your funeral?
Jian Dan Ai - Jay Chou
-i really dunno what this song means as well. those that understand pls let me know....-

18. What is your hobby/interest?
Candle in The Wind - Elton John
-remembering the dead?? or reminiscing on beautiful past memories?? hahahahaha!!-

19. What is your biggest fear?
Saving All My Love For You - Whitney Houston
-what is after saving all my love for someone, it turns out to be that the person isn't the right one for me? it hurts and it hurts real bad... =(-

20. What is your biggest secret?
Menanti Sebuah Jawaban - Padi
-biggest secret is waiting for an answer?? hmmm... how am i to elaborate this??-

21. What do you think of your friends?
Mr.Brightside - The Killers
-they brighten up my life... ALWAYS!!-

22. What will you post this as?
Ada Apa Denganmu - Peterpan
-yeah wei.. ada apa denganmu?? (the person who started this post...) hahahahahaha!! Jus JK!!-

23. What song would you play during your first time having sex?
Hakuna Matata - Lion King (Timon and Pumba)
-hahahahahaha!! u guys and gals know the meaning of the song and i shall not comment any further...-

PS. Yvonne tagged me again and this is one post i wouldnt wanna repeat doing... Kakakaka!!

I tag anyone who wishes to try this out. It's quite interesting actually. Especially the last question... =)


Friday, 27 June 2008

And One Leads to Another...

Starting time: 4.09pm

Name: Calvin

Sisters: None

Brothers: 1 lovely brother.

Shoe size: 9 i think...

Height: If i am not mistaken, its 165cm, the last i checked.. Pretty short for a guy i think... =(

Where do you live: A place called home... Hahaha...

Favourite drinks: Pepsi, Fruit juice... I think a lil dose of alchohol won't hurt right??

Favourite breakfast: All-time fav of Nasi Lemak and/or roti telur... =)

Have you ever been on a plane: Yuppy..

Swam in the ocean: Yuppy..

Fallen asleep in school: Hahahaha... What a question... I would be lying if I said 'no'... Oops...

Broken someone's heart: Err... I think so... Well, most of the times, its me who breaks first... So, yeah...

Saved e-mails: Err... Yuppy??

What is your room like: A room?? Hahahaha!! With bed, tv, table... yada-yada...

What's right beside you: Nothing... Or you can say my dining table... =)

What is the last thing you ate: Ipoh chicken rice... Yummy...

Ever had
chicken pox: Yuppy

Sore throat: Currently suffering from one now... Sigh... =(

Stitches: Not that I can remember of...

Broken nose: Nope...

Do you believe in love at first sight: Yuppy...

Like picnics: Yuppy... Only the picnic part though, not the cleaning up... Kekeke

Who was the last person you danced with: Dance ar?? Hmmm... I can't really recall.. Not many chances for me to really dance nowadays... =)

Last made you smile: Hmmm... I smile the entire day, that's the meaning of life right?? Being happy?? So, I guess everything's that ever happened...

You last yelled at: I stopped yelling at people long time ago... Hehehe

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Yuppy, I did... I do that everyday... =)

Kissed anyone: Nope... Kisses aren't for sale nor are they free k??

Get sick: Like I said.. Suffering from sore throat and slight flu.. Soon gonna be fever.. Yikes...

Talked to an ex: Nope..

Miss someone: Errr... Thinking bout someone considered?? =)

Best feeling in the world: Having the one I care most and love most by my side...

Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Interesting question... I've got a Snoopy, Patrick... etc etc...

What's under your bed: I don't really have a bed. Used to but not now. The mattress is on the floor. Somehow I enjoy sleeping this way...

Who do you really hate: I only learn to love... =D

What time is it now: 4.21pm... It's either the speed of my typing or... Wow... That was quick...

Randoms :
Q:Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
Yuppy.. Wondering what time should I call her later... =)

Q: Do you have any siblings:
Err... Mentioned it on top?? 1??

Q: Do you want children:
Yuppy... I guess one boy and one gal would be ideal... =)

Q: Do you smile often:
Of course. Smiling is good for health... I do it everyday... Hahahaha

Q: Do you like your hand-writing:
Well, I have to say... My hand-writing is pretty much admirable... Kekeke.. *syok sendiri*

Q: Are your toenails painted:
Thought bout it but then again... I'm a GUY!!

Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:

Q: What colour shirt are you wearing:
White colour.. My fav brand.. Charles Jourdan... =)

Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday:
At a farewell's party for my secondary school mates... Wait... I think I was still waiting to pick my friend up... Hahahahaha!!

Q: I can't wait till:
The results of my exams are out.. I am really rotting at home...

Q: When did you cry last:
Can't really remember... Was a pretty long time ago I guess. I think was few months back maybe...

Q: Are you a friendly person:
I get friendly around the people I know.. Other than that... I tend to be a bit shy and also cool at times... Sorry...

Q: Do you have any pets:
I have a fishy... I think it's still alive... And of course, how can I forget all my lovely dogs that sleep with me every night... Kekeke... =D

Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
Either still working or at karaoke with friends... =)

Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
I don't think so...

Do you sleep with the TV on?
Not oftenly but did it once or twice before...

What are you doing right before starting this tag?
Just came home, washed up, checking my mails, got online and... Here I am...

Have you ever crawled through a window?
I think I had tried once before... In secondary school...

Are you closer to your mother or father?
I really can't tell.. Its pretty much both ways...

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
As in face to face?? That wan don't really have... If phone means for me to know and for you to find out... =)

How many people can you say you've really loved?
My dad and my mum and my brother... =D

Do you eat healthy?
Depends... When I am sick, yeah, no choice... Other than that... Let's just enjoy life!!

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
Honestly, I still do... Maybe its the memories but then again, I don't think bout her anymore...

Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?

How often do you go to church?
I only went to a church once before... I go to the temple actually...

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
Can I not mention names here?? Hahahahaha!!

Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
Err... I think my friends would agree with loud... But if I am really down with the weather or in a pretty bad mood, I tend to be quiet...

Are you confident?
Well, I guess I am... Without confidence, we might end up nowhere though... Then again, over-confidence is really not advisable.. So, a little control is necessary...

PS. Tagged by Yvonne... =)


Thursday, 12 June 2008

There's Always a First Time...

There U have it, my first tag... Let's see... Hmmm...

step- by- step instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. Do you believe in love at first sight
Well, that actually depends... I won't let opportunities go by just like that though...

2. Do you eat without brushing your teeth?
Eat without brushing my teeth?? I cant stand it though.. I will brush mostly after most meals.. =) (the last time i didn't got an ulser)

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Australia and anywhere which is by the sea...

4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
I would want to have the one I love and care for the most by my side.

5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

6 What will make you twirl in your room and roll on your bed and break out in screamo laughter?
Well, actually nothing though... I mean, I get restless la... But won result in laughter... Hahahaha

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Make many many more millions...

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

9. Would you swim in a vat of chocolate?
Not really fond of that idea... Kinda goo-ie...

10. What completes ur life? Ur loved ones or ur friends?
For me, my friends are my loved ones, and of course, my loved ones are my loved ones. So yea, my loved ones completes my life.

11. What was the latest movie u just attended and how was it?
Superhero Movies. Honestly, I never expected much and so yeah.. It turned out lower than what I had expected... U get my point...

12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug or a kiss?
Can I have both?

13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
I would rather people come confront me and tell me if what I am doing is right or wrong. That makes me and everyone else a better person without any miscommunications right?

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
The people around me that can support me and have faith in me, regardless of what I say and what I do.

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Give me enough cash and I will show you the meaning of shopaholic.

16. What keeps you going everyday?
My thoughts and the confidence I have in what a brand new day has to give.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?- I wish I could use my ego more appropriately or if can't throw it away once and for all.

18. What makes you feel disappointed?
When things do not turn out the way it supposed to be or when things seem one way but then turn out the total opposite.

19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
Nope... Life is meant to be lived. It should be interesting. Knowing what happens in the future will just defeat the purpose of life.

20. What's the motto of your life?
Impossible is Nothing and Just do It. (Thanks to NIKE and ADIDAS)
* NIKE - Now I Know Everything
* ADIDAS - All Day I Dream About Success

I tag Yvonne, Rachel, Carissa, Jiin Siong, and all my friends who are going thru my blog... =)

Monday, 9 June 2008

District Awards Night 2008


Dear all,

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my invitation to all readers of my blog to the Rotaract District of 3300, Malaysia's annual District Awards Night, which will be held as the following:

Date: 22nd June 2008
Time: 1800 onwards
Venue: Bankers Club, Level 22, Bangunan Amoda, Kuala Lumpur
Price: RM50 per person
Theme: A Night for the Stars
Attire: Strictly FORMAL

Pls contact the following for further details:

Calvin Khoo: 012-2173827 (
Way Wen: 016-6505242 (

*Kindly RSVP before the 18th of June 2008.

Hope to see you guys there!

Most sincerely,


Friday, 6 June 2008

Fuel Hike... Warning! Maybe, Maybe Not... Part II

As the 'mourning' goes on and as the anger of the citizens of Malaysia continues raging, there are some extra points to ponder. Maybe by pondering on these points, we might well understand the intentions of the government and not make any unnecessary complaints anymore. It's really not worth the time and effort people.

Now, the price of petrol, technically is not really experiencing a price hike. Well, in Malaysia at least. Look at this from this point of view. The Malaysian government has been giving subsidies all this while right? Stop thinking bout the price increase from the US or the world as a whole, just bring our thoughts back to Malaysia as itself. Price may be increasing other places and all, but if we think bout it deeply, the petrol price is Malaysia has NOT increase at all.

What the government has done has actually just removed the price subsidy. How can we possibly then even say that this is a price hike? The price had remained the same from previous years, we are still very much dependant. Ain't that making any sense now? How can we say that by removing subsidies it means that the price had actually increase. We are just paying more for what we are getting and using, which is morally and rationally proper.

Lets bring this further. Last time around, when we had ultimate subsidies, we enjoyed it and some others say, take 'advantage' of it without realising that the subsidies also comes from us, the taxpayers money. We pay the government taxes, they use it to bring in the subsidies. This also basically means that we have been paying for the petrol or the subsidies that we are enjoying. So, now when they remove it, it doesn't really make of a difference you see. We are still paying for it, the same like we have done before.

From that, people will come up and say, well, it may be the same but then this time around we are still paying the taxes, as well as the petrol, meaning we are paying double. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's practically the use of the rebates that the government is giving out. Get it?

And.... I was reading a report on Star Online with regards to a suggestion by a MP that we should compare the prices of petrol to countries that are producing and exporting petroleum. Those countries include Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and much more. Price of petrol there is cheaper than plain water, no doubt, but then we should really think again, is petroleum our main export? Is our country built on petroleum? We export other things such as 'kelapa sawit', 'getah' and what not. So, how do we compare then?

Why not compare to countries like Mauritius, the US, UK and those other countries that use more petroleum than us, and pay 3-4 times of the price we are paying? Try comparing that and lets see where we will be heading. Will we still complain that petrol price is too high? Honestly, I do not think that there is even a basis for complaining. As the saying goes, 'Don't drive if you can't afford the petrol'. Are we being typical humans once again? Affording a car but never thinking of the consequences? Just buying a car, thinking it will ease our lifes but never wondering for a single moment that we have to pay and really PAY big time for it? Come on people, WAKE UP!

There is no way in Hell, Heaven or Earth that the price of petrol is ever gonna come down. Besides, for us Malaysians, we are still enjoying the best petrol with the cheapest price. *clap clap*. Show some appreciation people. Don't be too dependant anymore. Just because the government reduces a bit of help, we get all uptight and say that the government is making life hard for us. Don't always think bout now, think bout the future as well. Saving all today does not necessary mean a better tomorrow k? Sometimes, its spending more today that ensures a better tomorrow.

Stop complaining for the sake of complaining and let's move on with life. We have more important things to worry about. Why not worry on how to improve the standard of living here? Why not worry about improving the standard of sports in the country. These are the things that will bring our country fame, glory and status. That way, we might not even have to worry bout price increase at all. We will be living a prosperous life in a prosperous country. Then, we should also think about ways to find alternatives to petroleum. This way, maybe all the nonsense can stop as well.

Sincerely, all these baseless complaints are just a waste of time. There is really no way we can reduce petrol price and we should not depend too much on the government. Think bout it, wasn't it the people who said that the government can't be counted on. Wasn't it the people that said that Pak Lah 'tak boleh pakai'? If all our allegations are true, then why make a big fuss when the government removed the subsidies? We do not need them do we? So, move on with life and forget about the subsidies, if so the Malaysian government really 'tak boleh harap'.

In support of petrol price hike,


Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Fuel Hike... Warning! Maybe, Maybe Not...

The date is 4th of June 2008, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi made a rather shocking but expected announcement. The announcement came to us Malaysians as a "dooms day" kind of announcement. The price of petrol will be increased by 40% by midnight tonight. Not surprisingly, the first thing we Malaysians do is to hit for the nearest petrol station, hoping to get a final bite on the cheap price of petrol that will last for maybe the next one week. Wow... Such an achievement for those who manage to get their hands on these 'cheap' petrol. Needless to say, they are definitely very proud and will say things like:

"Wah, luckily I managed to get. If not tomorrow sure mati."
"Waliau wei. Government crazy ar? Pak Lah no brains ar? Lose election then do like this la?"

Ok guys, reality check. The government ain't crazy, cos YOU are, Pak Lah has got brains, and... Yeap, YOU do not have and its not really because he lost the elections. Lets face it, the elections has got nothing to do with the increase of petrol price. Most importantly, the government is not crazy because its not the government that caused a nationwide jam just because most of us Malaysians are just selfish, kiasu and refuse to accept the reality of life. Imagine everyone packing at the petrol station causing unneccesary jams, with no good reason at all. Yes, the price of petrol is gonna go up, so what? Its not like we can buy these 2 bucks per litre petrol and use them for the rest of our lives right? Come on, saving these 12++ bucks now does not mean a single thing if the price of petrol is gonna continue increasing in years to come.

You rather spend time lining up at the petrol station, burning petrol and causing a terrible jam, which in the end, when you try to get out and move on your way home, you get caught in the same jam you created, burn the same amount of petrol and yeah... It basically means your wait wasn't worth it at all. The best part is, you guys can afford to line up along the highways, major roads and so on without having a single thought of others who may be rushing home or those who are really in need of petrol. Come on, we have to live with reality. We ain't in any fairy tale or Disney Land ladies and gentlemen. We are in Malaysia, a country located on mother earth, created by God, where people do live and die. We do not always 'live happily ever after'.


For once, I would support the move by the ruling government. Pak Lah, I've got your back. Let's see where I come from. Malaysia is a beautiful country with a wonderful government. Well, when it comes to petrol subsidy at least. We are a nation using one of the best petroleum around and the most interesting part is with the cheapest price. How can we possibly complain any further? Let's take Mauritius for example (I've got a friend from there). This is what I heard from him. Their country uses petrol that at times may not even be suitable for a car or vehicle for that matter. It spoils the engine and causes much problems. To add to their misery, the price of petrol is 2-3 times higher than ours and their standard of living is also way higher. We are basically living in PARADISE, for those who want to have the fairytale feeling, there you have it.

With the amount of subsidy that the government is spending on the nation or rather thirsty draculas of petroleum, we are lacking on so much of developement that may make the country a better place to live in. Then again, many will then crush my opinion by saying that the issue of corruption and misconduct of the funds will arise. Well, to a certain extent, I'll have to agree. Now, which country, in its political struggle will not be involved in corruption? Hence the phrase, 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.' This is something we cannot escape from.

Of course, the government has been given 50 years of chance and they are taking things for granted, but this is only true to a certain extent. They are rather traditional and are finding it difficult to cope to the advancement that we are pretty well-equipped with nowadays.

Lets just take everything aside and think rationally for once. Regardless of what happens, too much of subsidy from the goverment will make our country poorer and when our country gets poorer, we suffer. Lets all take this as a short term loss but a long term benefit. The government is still giving rebates accordingly right? They are still caring for us, the people as much as they want to 'make life harder' as most of us will put it.

The increase is the price of petrol is something that we cant avoid. So, lets stop complaining and move on with life aight? Its not that disasterous right? Lets hope that this move is for the better of the country and the people. The money the government saves from reducing the subsidies can be used for so many other things. I may be wrong but lets wait and see. And, Malaysians, for once, please stop all these bad habits. Its bad enough that we have heavy rain nowadays, and accidents happen more oftenly during rainy days. That adds to massive jams and the worst part, we always tend to stop, look but never go! What's wrong. Imagine an accident on the other lane but traffic is smooth but traffic on the non-accident lane is jammed up as if the accident had happened there. Just move and don't look. The numbers of the cars involved in the accident ain't gonna be of any use. Don't count on it.

So, don't add to the misery that we all face everyday coming back from work or study and lets be practical. Yes, the saving is true, save a little today, get a better tomorrow, but as things were going just now on my way back, its more of saving a little today, getting a bitter tomorrow.

I hope the government thru this move will be able to use the money from the subsidies given out all this while and make good use of it for better improvements in the country. Don't dissapoint us again! =)

In support of the increase in fuel price,


Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Special Announcement

Dear all,

This is a formal announcement from 'Iceman'. This blog will be taking a short break effective from 21st of May 2008 till the 2nd of June 2008 due to the ongoing examinations.

This blog will resume business as usual from the 3rd of June 2008 onwards. Stay tune for more fun and exciting posts.

To those who are taking their UOL examinations, may all the best be with you. Good luck and may you all have a smooth journey ahead.

Much regards,


Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Life - Interesting or Unpredictable?

Imagine this question posted at you. Yes, you. Think bout it properly... Now, what will your ultimate answer be? Is life interesting or unpredictable? Given only these two choices, what will your answer be if you were asked to give a definite answer? Can you give one? You can?? Tell me, how did you come to that conclusion (post in comments...). With that said and done, kindly scroll down, read on and tell me if you agree with what I have to say as my point of view.

Given that choice of answers. I would be dumb-founded and definitely won't be able to give an ultimate answer. This is simply because, life is both interesting and unpredicatable. It's interesting because its unpredicatble and its unpredicatbility makes it interesting. Sounds rather confusing huh? Its simple actually. Life that has been planned out well and all, won't be life. LIFE stands for Life Is For Enjoyment. Imagine a situation where you already know what's gonna happen next. Can you then possible enjoy that moment when it really comes? You'll be expecting it and when it comes, no more surprises, no suspense, no nothing. Long story short, it becomes pure dull.

In addition, LIFE is short. Yes, many people come up to me and say, 'Yeah, life is short. Does that mean we can do everything and anything like there's no tomorrow? Does that mean that we can live life like we are gonna die the next minute?' Well, my answer to them would be, YES and NO. Yes, because we do not know what's gonna happen next in life. It is undeniable that even as I am typing this blog out, I could possibly not have the chance to post it. As we walk our everyday life performing things that we go out to do, we are exposed to so many dangers and uncertainties that may arise anytime of the day.

Sounds convincing huh? Well, hold your horses as here comes the NO part. No is because as much as fate is an essential aspect of our lifes, it does dictate the way we should be, what we should be doing and also how we should be doing it. We lead our own life and what we are in this life, depends what we do and how we do it. This has got nothing to do with fate that has been pre-determined. We can change what we are and what we have. The theory is very simple, as mentioned by my good buddy, Dinesh, "If you were fated to be a gardener for the rest of your life, are you gonna let it be that way or are you gonna change it?". Well, it just shows that as much as life may be fated in a way, we are the ones who have power over our lifes and we control them, therefore, we shape our lifes into what we want them to be.

So, should we then lead life like there's no tomorrow or lead life like we are to live forever and we have all the time in the world to enjoy? Well, we have to always have balance here. This leads me back to my original question. Is life interesting or unpredictable? I guess its the way we lead our lifes that makes it interesting, which means that at times we should really live our lifes like there's no tomorrow. I mean, what's the meaning of life if we are not here to enjoy it? We should make everyday of our life as interesting as the one before and plan for a more interesting on ahead. The part of life being unpredictable means that we should maintain our lifestyle and make sure that we save some for the days to come. We can never be sure of what's gonna happen next, can we?

I guess what I am really trying to say here is this. Life being so interesting and unpredictable has much to offer us. We can never understand life's real intentions until the day we near our time. We live life day by day thinking that something good or bad will happen and most of the times, it just turns out the other way round and we are left with nothing much to say. We just cant expect much nor less. It comes to us as a surprise at times and leaves without leaving a note. These are things in life that we look out for, either for good or bad.

Therefore, we should really cherish what we have now. Its no point going back one day saying, 'I should, I would and I could have'. It makes no difference by that time. What's left then is pure memories and nothing else. Memories are only meant to be kept and there's nothing we can do to revive those memories.

Well, life has much to offer. All its unpredictability makes it all the interesting. We shouldn't be wasting time thinking of things that we are not even sure of. Thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow when we haven even passed today. Thinking about what's gonna happen to someone else, when we cant even be sure of what's gonna happen to ourselves. We should let life move on as it should and we should just play along. Lead life as it is. Though the many challenges it may bring, these are just interesting parcels of life that we have to endure. Who said everything was easy? If everything was so easy, I wouldnt have to crack my head thinking bout my exams, which will strike me in exactly two weeks time. God will help those who help themselves. Well, I sure do hope God can first help me to help myself. Hahahaha...

I guess all said and done. Life is both interesting and unpredictable. So, never give up on life. Even if we are on the verge of breaking down, hold our heads up strong and move on with life.

"We will never have anything to lose, only everything to gain."

Well, I guess I will have to continue my life then. Got so many other things to do. Revision is one the many important things I have to focus on now. Hope to make it through my exams. I wouldnt wanna disappoint my loved ones who have all the confidence in me, especially my 'special one'.

As the saying goes, 'We live only once. Lets live life.'

Living life,


Thursday, 24 April 2008

My 3-Month Old Baby

This was what happened about a month ago to my beloved 'baby' of only 3 months. Have to admit, I was very sad over it. Nevertheless, I am very lucky and blessed to have my another 'baby' showing me all the care in that one month when my '3-month old baby' was in the ICU. Thank you so so much! =)

- Front skirtings

- Right passenger door

- Front skirtings

- Front wheels (Right side)

- Driver-side door

Thank god that I am still able to be here writing this post.

This community message goes out to everyone reading my blog.


With care,


Friday, 18 April 2008

Lack of Care, Caring Enough or Over-Caring

As people will always say, too much or too little of something is never the right remedy. This basically means that in whatever we do, we have to always strike the right balance. Easy as it sounds, lets look further into it and see whether can we really strike that right balance.

Lets take a simple example, how much should we really care for a person? Now, no matter what people say, I would like to first state my point of view, which is that we can never care enough for a person, especially the one we deeply love. It can never be enough. I mean, how can we judge the amount of care for that particular person? How can we ever know whether its lacking, enough or when it comes to a stage where caring turns into annoying and irritating?

I'll have to admit, too much of something is never good. If we were to care for someone in the way where we call or msg that person every single minute or every single hour, it would then turn into harrassing that person. This is no doubt. Then, what is it that we should do when we really worry bout that person? Obviously, we would try to get in touch with him/her and then ask bout his/her whereabouts, whether he/she's fine and so on.


Knowing that he/she is somewhere far, in a bad mood, you just keep thinking of him/her and you just feel like getting in touch again. Now, here's where the problem arises. After just an hour, we are worried again. We tend to look at it as a fair thing to do based on our perspective. Well, it does seem fair at the first instance. Nevertheless, it still has the chance of turning into a problem or at times becomes an issue that would be hard to solve within a short period of time.

Don't get me wrong though, I ain't putting the blame on anyone and not saying that anyone is at fault. I guess what I am really trying to say is that we can never find the right balance between not enough, just enough and more than enough. Sometimes, we feel that its the right thing to do and we just do it w/out thinking bout the consequences. At times as well, we tend to really get pretty much worried and because we really care, we act in ways that may be rather unacceptable.

Well, with that said, I guess the main thing that I am trying to conclude here is that the understanding between both parties has to be there.

Having said that as well, I totally agree if anyone out there were to come and tell me that the ultimate solution is the willingness to tolerate and give the special someone the space that he/she needs and deserves. That is simply essential and it leads to many positive things including showing the other party that the faith and trust towards one another is there. It gives both parties freedom, happiness and most of all being able to enjoy the relationship and share the love that they have for one another.

So, I guess, whether its lack of care, caring enough or over-caring... It does not really matter. What matters most is the time that both individuals in the relationship spend with one another and the memories they will bring with them for the rest of their lives. Nothing else matters beyond that. As long as they love one another, there shouldn't be any issue of lacking, enough or beyond enough. Simply said, it will never be enough. No matter how much we do or say, there's never enough of LOVE that can be shared within one another.

P.S. This is an original post. None of its contents have been edited prior to posting. =)

Simply caring,


Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Opposites Attract

Mere differences or pure incompatibility? This is gonna be a question for the next few days or few weeks I guess. Well, I really dunno to whom this question should be posted to but I hope that I will be able to answer that question thru this post.

There will definitely come a time when in any relationship, we will notice differences between us and we tend to post the question on whether do we really fit one another and should we really proceed with what we have now. Frequently, we tend to arrive at the conclusion that we are imcompatible with one another and we just do not suit one another. However, I really beg to differ.

I rather call this mere differences. Differences that will pull us closer to one another and not further apart. Imagine a situation where we will are both having the same attitude, same character, and same needs. Yes, we might then say that it would be a perfect life. However, thinking back properly, is really being all the way the same gonna make our lifes perfect??

Take a very simple example. If both have the attitude where we are fine if we don't see each other and don't contact one another for some period of time, then it would lead to both just not contacting one another for a time beyond imagination right? If one party is having the above character and the other constantly or rather have a slightly different attitude where he or she needs someone there by his or her side, don't you think that things will definitely be better?? This way, it will lead to both parties being able to compromise and fill up the gaps that either party cant provide to one another. The one that needs space will make sure space given in that relationsip is essential, whilst the one who needs attention and care will make sure that the relationsip will constantly blossom and never die off.

As for providing what the other party needs, I guess its not a question of whether can we provide what the other party needs. Cos I strongly believe that what a an individual really needs in any relationship is a very simple thing. Every individual will only NEED one another. As long as that is fulfilled, I don't see a problem to bring the relationship further.

Yes, at times, there may be demands and needs that we fill we can fulfill. However, if we think properly and take things slowly, these demands and needs are mere wants. If we really care bout the one we love, we will tend to fill up these empty gaps and by the end of the day still provide enough consideration and fulfill all these wants. Its all a learning process that both have to endure. Nonetheless, the endurance will only be a short one.

The moment I set foot on this path, I have told myself time and time again to learn and make my way up to proving to you that I really can make it. I really NEED you in my life and I am willing to do anything in my powers to change the past that were bad and maintain the present that is good.

I admit that I do not know the right way to treat you yet. Well, I guess that shows that I am that innocent when it comes to any relationship right?? =)

I just want to give you the best and I am learning how to give it to you in a way that is the best and most comfortable for you. Things may not always turn out the way it should be. So, tell me what I can do to make things better. Again, I strongly believe that since the day I met you, you are the one for me. Was, is and always will be.

Opposites will always attract. I believe that being ourselves will be the best way to make sure the relationship goes further. This way, we have nothing to hide, all to show and most importantly it all comes from the bottom of the heart. It will all be pure SINCERITY.

Forever yours.